The many virtues of wild rose

The many virtues of wild rose

The many virtues of wild rose

Wild rose, also called  (Rosa canina), has amazing properties concentrated in its leaves and roots, but also in  its fruits,  rose hips are rich in vitamin C and excellent for immunity.  What hold on for the arrival of the cold season, and even beyond. Unlike Ronsard, which associated the rose wilted to decay of the body, let's see if the rose could not perk us all winter! For wild rose, also called wild rose (Rosa canina), has amazing properties concentrated in its leaves and roots, but also in its fruits, rose hips are rich in vitamin C and excellent for immunity. What hold Unfortunately for the arrival of the cold season, and even beyond.

While purists oppose us that the rose hip is a red fruit, that is to say the projection of the true fruit of the plant, as a reproductive organ. But we could say the same of strawberry, whose fruits are small seeds on the surface, as we had once learned in school. The rose hip is equipped with stinging hairs located on the tail of the fruit that is used to make the itching powder. If you pick your rosehips yourselves, it is imperative to remove and carefully, otherwise you risk of misguided itching where the sun never shines, hence the traditional name of hip.

Take the rose blossom

In the pink, there is first the flowers and leaves which, by their tannins, can be particularly advisable for you ladies, because this shrub contains the same elements to dispel most of these internal imbalances and if so annoying unjust.

Thus, leaves and pink flowers relieve uterine congestion, because of intimate pain, painful and heavy periods. They are also used as an antispasmodic, and relaxing as for menstrual cramps and PMS, which is neither more nor less than a form of depression programmed by nature. They also soothe hot flashes, night sweats and mood swings of menopause.

It is not for nothing that they say that a woman is as fresh as a  rose: wild rose not only lightens the mood of women but rose water cleanses and tones the skin, eliminates infection and inflammation in cases of acne, thereby remove stains and boils, and overcomes the sore eyes. It improves wound healing and reduces swelling bruising and sprains.

However, the rose can be used for everyone, and it would be wrong not book infusions of leaves and flowers and women. As they lower fevers, reduce hyperacidity and gastric hyperactivity causing excessive hunger, which is particularly recommended if you come out of a period of successive feasts or know of weight problems. For their part, the flowers are slightly laxative, while the leaves are used as an astringent against diarrhea. In the Middle Ages, the flower even going to cure pulmonary tuberculosis and to restore the comatose to life!

Especially, those who have tasted the essence of flowers know its soothing properties. I once took before exams, when I was too stressed, although I recommend you not to abuse the day of the tests. As you can see, the flowers raise morale, fight effectively against depression and insomnia, fatigue, both psychological and physical, irritability and anger. Thus, the rose can provide you some inner peace in times of trouble, even critical.

Prefer punch rage

Where the virtues of wild rose at their worst, it is in the "fruit", rosehips. This name can no longer be Greek means rose dogs - a name that may seem very rude to a fruit so useful. It comes from the fact that the roots of the plant were used in the past to overcome the rage that transmitted the stray dogs. Francis Joseph Cazin, a French doctor of the XIX th century author of an imposing "practical and rational Treaty of indigenous medicinal  plants" , is already showing very skeptical about this usage, and even if I could find recipes, I doubt that they were often employed since Pasteur's discoveries.

However, it is not there for the benefit of this fruit. During World War I, the British, who suffered the German attacks and could not get hold of oranges were harvested in children rosehips to maintain a supply of vitamin C in their diet, and avoid scurvy, scourge of sailors of old. Unlike other mammals, primates including ourselves do not manufacture their own vitamin C. This is however essential to our immune system, and it allows us to metabolize iron.

Most importantly, it allows us to perk us in no time. Its anticancer properties are still under consideration, and its powers are real antioxidants, preventing the proliferation of free radicals that destroy our cells. What is particularly significant for smokers, including antioxidant vitamins are monopolized by the bronchial tree. In autumn, it is not because one is more tired than the workload down! Especially as our lower exposure to light plays on our morale. Also, to hold on, rosehips is ideal, since it contains a high proportion of vitamin C, or nearly 0.5% of its own weight. There is as much of this vitamin in rose hips in a bay large lemon. In addition, vitamin C, rose hip takes remarkably heat, unlike that of other fruits.

Your belly will prefer to oranges

Since oranges are entries in the menu of our breakfast, we tend to associate vitamin C and sour stomach. It is where the rose hips. Because it stops diarrhea, quiet enteritis, stomach cramps, constipation and nausea - though it is not recommended for pregnant women. It effectively fights against infection and regenerates the intestinal flora. In addition, the Persian physicians appreciated for its ability to dissolve kidney stones.

It is also valuable for the respiratory system, because it stimulates the mucociliary activity, relieves congestion, prevents and treats colds, flu, sore throat, cough, bronchitis and inflammation. Finally, the fight against infections, removes toxins, and shows particularly rich in vitamins A, B and K. In addition, it reduces pain and increases flexibility in case of osteoarthritis!

The best remedies are sometimes the simplest

The rose hips decoction is an anthelmintic and anti-diarrhea effective, the anti-inflammatory effects are significant. To produce it, just take 30 g per liter of water rose hips, and let boil for 5 minutes, then infuse 10 minutes. Take 3 or 4 cups per day without food.

The infusion of rose flowers, soft palate, is prepared with two teaspoons per cup, it is enough to infuse 10 minutes. However, for those who have neither the time nor the energy to make these remedies, we find the rose hips quite easily in the trade, whether in capsules or infusion.

Finally, if you've ever tasted, it will not have escaped you that the rose hips, it's good! You can get a very tasty red puree, which also eats well sweet than salty, and with which we can prepare all kinds of desserts, syrups and jams. Moreover, the Swedish count him as one of the main ingredients of their national soup, nyponsoppa. If you can tone up and feast together, why deprive yourself?

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