They Fight The Desease

They Fight The Desease

They Fight The Desease
Maria Bermudez. In December 13, 2013 marked the time when the life of Maria Bermudez changed. In breast self-examination, this young woman of 33 years old, a mass was palpated in the left breast. She went to the doctor and after a mammography and ultrasound screening, the recommendation was that a biopsy was performed. The result ?, a mass that tested positive for breast cancer.

When the surgeon explained his choice, Maria did not think twice, with an assurance that could be startling to some, she decided, she extirpated both breasts. She reasoned that a double mastectomy was her best chance of survival. And she did. Her family was informed of the process incidents will slowly, but openly. All supported it.

While it was a breast reconstruction, his body rejected the expanders, requiring surgery to remove it. So she decided not to put them on again to begin the cycle of 16 recently completed chemotherapy. Do not lie or decorate the experience, which between small laughter denoting relief and satisfaction at a goal achieved, described as "horrible". To suffer chronic asthma, she collapsed the left lung, which is now under observation.

The support group has been instrumental in this intense process: his daughter Thalia Lopez Bermudez; her caregiver and friend, Lisa M. Berrios Agron; and this daughter, Angela Vazquez Agron, along with his family, have been the greatest source of support.

Her message is simple and clear: "They checked everything that rare find in your body, which is not normal. They should not leave it too late, because this process is not easy, "Maria said, adding that the strengthening be positive and have a smile on your lips forever.

Waleska Garcia. The day Waleska received her diagnosis of breast cancer in 2000, a film of her life flashed through his mind. After all, when she felt a lump in her left breast it was accidentally, perhaps a divine plan recognizes. She had cancer stage 3B, almost 4.

"It was really hard. I thought of my family; my 6 year old girl. I thought it was a diagnosis of death ", she accepted Waleska, explaining how it went this early stage of diagnosis.

However, while accepting that the process was fast, says the support of her husband, Jaime Camacho; her daughter, Carol Enid; and her circle of friends and family. So was their working group. "That much depends treatment; the psychological aspect and the support that people have, "she said.

The process was quick. In the first surgery, I had a biopsy and removed a mass. Two nodes in which they tested were positive to cancer. The next scene, a second surgery and a decision to make: partial or total surgery.

The decision was taken with her husband. For six years she used a prosthesis, since there was no possibility of reconstruction at the time of surgery. Years later, her oncologist finally convinced her to get a reconstruction.

That is proud survivor who overcame stage and fear. Today has a purpose and through its two childcare centers in Ponce, darlings Day Care, feels he has a purpose and that God's perfect plan manifested through her illness, and now lets you provide support to those extended families in need. Furthermore, recognizing the importance of the role of and the survivors who can provide support for others it is voluntary for the American Cancer Society and actively participates in its activities, such as Relay for Life, being in charge of these in the area sur.890115

This year is the godmother Waleske march south area and 17 November, with the children, parents, staff and other research centers and organizations, will hold a minimarcha awareness towards City Hall.

Those who pass the disease now advised them not to give up and to fight because everything happens for a purpose. To which they do not, are encouraged to look after their health, prevent and have empathy for others. Caregivers gives them a special message: "You are a vital part in this process. No you could not pass the disease. Each of you hold a special place, "she concluded by saying.

Ayala Victor Manuel Barbosa. At 19, Ileana Ayala is a young mature, educated and eloquent, and when talking about his father, Victor Manuel Barbosa Ayala does so with pride and with a deep love. He was only 13 when his father, then 46, was diagnosed with leukemia.

The diagnosis disrupted the lives of all and she, with an unusual maturity for his young age, he took an active role during the entire process.

During the 10 months since the diagnosis until the death of Victor Emmanuel, the lives of many are upset, but above all, his family and the school community to which he belonged when technology teacher Joseph Middle School A. López Castro de Juncos, where young also studied. All of a sudden the father got cancer, the teacher, the husband, the friend, the colleague, the feeling of loss was collective. And although at the time he did not understand the disease, she could not believe he was sick because he was strong, "husky", he says, healthy appearance.

Some bruises on his arms betrayed that something was not right, however, as lived in the countryside, thought they were a result of the typical tasks of life outdoors. A visit to the emergency room and a week later, and had a diagnosis, the more acute leukemia type.

A natural treatment in Maryland had results, but the climate of this state had to return to the island when Manuel gave him pneumonia. Once on the island, chemotherapy lowered his defenses and suffered a respiratory arrest on the balcony of his house. He died a week and a half later.

He admits that while any loss is easy, his family was transformed and the pain, he joined apara help others, giving way to Morivivi Foundation, an organization for patients with cancer that has as one of its objectives provide work experience college students as well as provide support to survivors and serve as a liaison to get them from medicines to wigs and other basic needs.

The organization, which is part of student organizations Humacao Campus of the University of Puerto Rico, which also meet. You can get them on Instagram: morivivi.cancer; Twitter: Morivivi.CF; and Facebook: Morivivi Group. You can write to moriviví or

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