The cancer had changed me

The cancer had changed me

The cancer had changed me
Cintia much waited for that was discharged in the hospital! I wanted to leave behind five years of surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, hair loss, vomiting ... the hardest cancer, she said. But no. This was not the hardest in its history. There was still a little more. After overcoming breast cancer at 26 years old, Cynthia Solano Cantillo had to face the gaze of others, which is not always the best, and even her own eyes, because she was not the same after illness.

An aggressive cancer that appeared without warning left her part of her left breast. He got fat stacks as part of the effects of chemotherapy and other drugs, and her body no longer had the strength before: weariness pervaded every effort made.

Cintia has spent two years trying to "return to normal". It is not easy in the case of a malignant tumor whose ghost still lurking. "People saw me as if to say '! Look, but did not die,'" says this mother of a 13 years old and founder of the National Association of Life Second Chance (Anasovi).

Although the return to the routine has been slow, Cintia looks profits after suffering losses this condition. "I'm another person; it is a new life. At first yes, it's very hard, but then you start to appreciate things that did not give them more meaning before: the rain, the birds, the sun! ".

As founder and president of Anasovi, Cintia has had the opportunity to know the life history of many cancer patients. The meaning of this group lies largely in providing patients and their families throughout the process of diagnosis, treatment and return to normal activities.

For return to everyday it can be re complicated.
Heilyn Zuniga Diaz has felt firsthand. This young man was operated on for a brain tumor at eight years old. After diagnosis, he spent four years visiting hospitals and now lives with the consequences of that experience: a paralysis on the left side of the body, difficulty walking and language problems.

"For a child of eight it was difficult to return to school. I was in second grade. Halfway through the course, I was interned. I lost and I had to repeat grade. The rest of the levels made with curricular adjustments. At school, all my friends left because they were afraid of the disease I had. They walked away. I preferred to be alone and depressed. I still like being apart, because it remains difficult, "said the 22 years.

If anything good has cancer is that "experience brings an opportunity for growth and revaluation of life. Despite the difficulty of treatment, thousands of survivors have told us that the experience led them to make major changes, "says psychologist Javier Rojas Elizondo, the National Center for Pain Control and Palliative Care, the Costa Rican Social Security Fund (CCSS).

What can you expect after cancer treatment?
"People who have undergone treatments refer to the first few months as a very difficult time characterized by frequent physical and emotional changes. That anxiety and restlessness never disappears and is rekindled in each of the controls to which the person is subject ".

"All patients live emotional ups and downs related to the changes caused by the disease. One of the most common manifestations is the anxiety expressed in frequent changes of mood and behavior. There is also the silence, social withdrawal and depression, "said the psychologist.

Among the most complicated things to "start over" is a return to the workforce. Anasovi had to organize talks in some workplaces to explain to colleagues and bosses what a patient should be a return to work. I wish there were more such cases. The rule is to receive complaints from people who have pressured and harassed the occupationally to force them to give up because there are still people who think that those who have suffered cancer and can not return to work.

"Sometimes, it is sheer ignorance. There are many places where they do not want more and many legal wars occur because there is abuse. The place to do more of the account. I remember the case of a patient with leukemia who would doubled the tasks to push its way out, "said Cynthia.

It is normal for those returning to the routine wonder whether they can meet the daily demands, especially because in the first months and years, the body does not respond the same. It is important that the person starts to recognize the limitations that might be him after the disease. Then, it is good to seek ways for their relatives (bosses, colleagues, family and friends) also recognize, understand and accept.

"At times, they appear feelings of impotence characterized wishes to apply for a disability pension or work. Coworkers will be shown solidarity and worried, but some would react uncomfortable for labor adjustments and the permissions that are given to people with sequelae of oncologic diseases, "says Rojas.

But life goes on and we must retake the reins again.
"I had to begin by acknowledging that it was not the same. The cancer had changed me, but for good. As they did a new person but with many, many improvements, "says Cynthia.

She has used intense reading and talk with other patients to share experiences and give each other support. "Ask phones to other patients, call them, talk with them," She advises. Heylin, for example, takes refuge in faith: "What I do is entrust to God. Ask for help and give me hope. "

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