People Share Their Stories of Cancer

People Share Their Stories of Cancer

People Share Their Stories of Cancer

The bad omens of a cancer diagnosis have led to the IMO Group Foundation to launch a campaign to support newly diagnosed patients who receive encouragement from others who have already overcome a disease that can be cured in 60% of cases which are detected. "It's a major shock in the life The world opens up below, you swallow the earth I reacted positively very quickly so I said to myself..... You have to assume they were 48 hours bad, to accept it and get going I They said: do not smoke, do not drink, do a healthy lifestyle and will continue dedicating even your profession, which is for me the most important in the world and ten years have passed and here I am happy. ".

Who thus expressed is the popular TV actor Pepe Ruiz (known for his roles in Avelino "Scenes of marriage" and Fermin in "La Familia Mata"), a testimony of people who have overcome cancer who want to share with newly diagnosed patients.

With optimistic breaths like this actor, who a decade ago was diagnosed with throat cancer, is dismantling the "black legend" of the disease and that patients suffer less, especially when by now be cured "near 60% of cancer patients, "said Dr. Joseph Samblás, president of the IMO Group (Madrid Institute of Oncology) Foundation, an institution that treats an average of 4,000 patients per year.

Cancer is not deathly
This and 25 other "experiences of overcoming" even "personal knowledge", which can be used to convince new ticados diagnosed the cancer "is no longer synonymous with death", are part of a pioneering program in Spain support mechanisms between people cured of cancer patients who have been recently detected them.

This innovative national project imported from other developed countries, has been launched by the IMO Group Foundation under the slogan: "Cured of cancer: We can help you, you help" and has the support of major scientific societies and government agencies, in addition to the collaboration of the Social Work of Caja Castilla-La Mancha. Activation wanted match the "World Cancer Day" which is celebrated today.

In principle, the program has created a website (, where information, advice and guidance is provided to facilitate the return to everyday life of the cured, impregnated while their testimonies as "positive morality are collected "and" struggle "against the disease that forced them to face life. And, according to Dr. Samblás, "is harder to get out of the disease if there is no positive moral. Do not sink, we must fight and overcome the anguish and terror. That leave be taboo to talk about cancer."

It relies for this on the optimistic figures of healing that are reported among oncological diseases. Each year 160,000 new cases of cancer are recorded and can be cured about 90,000.

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