The idea of ​​breast cancer was not new to me when I felt a little ball in my breast three months after having missed my appointment for a mammogram in 2000 (my cousin was treated for breast cancer and have participated in treks to raise funds for the fight against the disease). I did not think it would happen to me, so wait a few weeks before calling my doctor. He sent me to get a mammogram and found a lump in my breast. They had a biopsy, which gave a positive result. She informed me that maybe I should not continue with my plans of starting a new job. Although I was surprised, take it easy.

I had a mastectomy with immediate reconstruction, followed by eight sessions of chemotherapy and six daily sessions of radiation. My cancer was aggressive-a 2.5 cm tumor nine affected lymph nodes. When I found out this information, was I understood the seriousness of my illness. I had read about breast cancer and wise than ten lymph nodes that meant he was in serious trouble (this was in 2000, before the sentinel node biopsies were held) Here I was very close, with nine nodes. It was like a slap, I cried like a baby.

I was always proud of my beautiful hair and instead of waiting for my hair to fall, I'd shave and put on a wig. My hair grew back, but it was different. My body became more sensitive after treatment. I often wonder, what are the long term effects of these treatments and medicines.

I wrapped myself in my SHARE after surgery. I helped because I could talk to other people who were survivors of breast cancer. That, along with a positive attitude and my faith was what helped me to pull myself together.

I am now a volunteer at the Line of SHARE and I feel great to be. At the end of a conversation with a woman almost always it feels calmer, less fearful than before, and grateful for the support and information. I facilitate a support group of LatinaSHARE program in East Harlem. It gives me great satisfaction to let other women know they are not alone in their fight against cancer. I encourage you to ask your doctors questions, something I did not do much but it's important. I participated in the annual conference of the Coalition Against Breast Cancer (NBCC) in Washington, DC where I have the opportunity to lobby on Capitol Hill.

Thanks for being a person with such charisma eager to help alos other God bless all their efforts and continue putting nice words is his mind mouth and heart I tanbien am sobrebibiente of cancer but can not ablate disease I allorar not put entries and received such support but I'm a believer and my faith in God mea brought forward that would say no sufisiente esentido the support of my family the only thing my mommy but her life things you soloun month estubo me and had to go ami country of origin felt good in confiansa yle my story a little AYou feel that god bless you and your family

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