I survive from Colorectal cancer

I survive from Colorectal cancer

I survive from Colorectal cancer
My name is Margaret Podgorski. In January 2009, I was diagnosed with stage IV colorectal cancer. Since then, when I think of myself, I think of a stage IV colorectal cancer. That might change one day, but maybe not - I realize that more and more account - and it may last long. Then I learn to live with cancer. I respect it; this is my cancer, and I intend to treat me. Like many people with cancer, I decided it was a good opportunity to bring in my life all the positive changes I wanted to do for so long. So I hitched myself, almost overnight, and got the results: I soon felt better. I changed my diet, I took all kinds of supplements, I was exercising and I tried all the complementary therapies that seemed beneficial. I still do, and I still doing great.

A month after my diagnosis, I was off my primary tumor, and the pathology report confirmed the initial diagnosis. A few weeks later, doctors have established my treatment plan. I remember being felt powerless. I needed to know and understand what is going to make me. But to ask pertinent questions, one must have knowledge. I informed myself as best I could, but I wanted to know right away about MON cancer. I wanted to understand what was happening to better fight. So I turned to the Internet, but I was soon overwhelmed by the incredible amount of information that I obtained. On the other hand, the prospect of chemotherapy on the horizon, and I did everything to get rid of my cancer to not have to suffer, not poison it comes from my body, I came to clean, but no luck: CT scan that I had passed before my first chemotherapy showed a significant progression of the disease, which had spread to my lungs and my liver. The oncologist told me about palliative treatments, but I felt healthier than ever, Dying? When? In six months? Who could tell? I was confused, and this moment was for me the hardest, although it did not last. I knew it could really shoot me. Fortunately, I quickly reminded myself that I felt good and I could undergo chemotherapy without problems. I was ready ... I got it in April 2009 and I have fairly well tolerated.

Meanwhile, I was researching support groups. Everyone I had found much to offer, but I continued to look to find people who understand my illness and treatments MA. My husband then came across the story of Barry Stein and discovered that a meeting of the Canadian Association mentoring program for colorectal cancer (ACCC) was to be held in Toronto in May 2009. We did and are There we met wonderful people, all affected in one way or another by SAME CANCER THAN ME and all determined to properly inform people about the disease and the treatments used to treat it.

My desire was fulfilled.
This experience and the help of the ACCC support group gave me back confidence. I realized that I would not be able to know everything about my cancer and that there would always be something new to learn about him. I now receive support, advice and assistance to people who can help me and know how. Thanks to them, I am less stressed and I can accept my treatments.

In February 2010, I underwent liver resection followed by another chemotherapy, after which it proceeded, in early 2011, a resection of my left lung, and my right lung. I then received other chemotherapy treatments and in January 2012, I had a second liver resection. Other resection of this type were planned in 2012, but they have not occurred because of cancer cells reappeared in my liver. In July 2012, I have followed chemotherapy. They then told me that surgery was not an option in my case, so I started to consider my options reviewed with Filomena. She found a solution and I underwent radiotherapy in January 2013 of the lungs that lasted two months. The April 15, 2012, I spent a positron emission tomography of the whole body, to the clinic where I had followed my radiotherapy. Suddenly, the emergency was elsewhere: the examination had revealed the presence of multiple tumors in my brain. Fortunately, they had discovered in time. So I had radiation therapy to the entire brain and now, in May 2013, I have another chemotherapy, my favorite: the FOLFIRI therapy combined with AVASTIN. I hope to have good results.

I'm still alive and I feel good. Yes, I know that I probably succumb to colorectal cancer MON. But when? Nobody knows…

By Margaret Podgorski

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