Five stories on the fight against cancer

Five stories on the fight against cancer

Five stories on the fight against cancer

Before cancer patients lived with their illness silent, but now increasingly decide to share your case. Five women with very different paths in the country told him bluntly why they put this experience chest. Speaking of cancer today is to talk about transformation. While there is still a long way to understand the evil in all its dimensions, thanks to medical progress is not necessarily synonymous with death. And they understand that millions of people who suffer and, instead of hiding, have decided to tell the world how the disease has changed. In Colombia it is increasingly common to hear public figures who have experienced firsthand addressing the issue not only in the press but on social networks. Twitter precisely the actress Lorraine Meritano Argentina, who has forged a successful career in the country, posted a photo of his experience. "New challenge: goodbye hair. Smiling and we continue to learn, "he wrote. Immediately trend history and example of life became.

"When a famous speech of cancer allows ordinary people will not feel so strange and question: 'If given the president or Sofia Vergara, I too can go'. That opens up spaces for any patient sits with the right to speak, awakens solidarity and above all demystifies bad, "said Carlos Castro, scientific director of the Colombian League Against Cancer. Women in the country, especially leading this cause and breast cancer, as the highest incidence with 7,000 new cases a year, is the most visible purchased. WEEK testimonies collected five fighters who have taken the disease from different facets.

"I decided to embrace the cancer" - Lorena Meritano, actress, 43 years old

"Life changes and you change with it. It all started in March when we came to Buenos Aires with my husband, Ernesto Calzadilla, to buy a play that I planned to do this year in Colombia. I took the opportunity to submit my annual health check at which time the results came out perfect, but in April noticed a lump in the breast. Thank God I realized, because otherwise, I would have gone alone to do the tests until next year. Back to Bogota I did the relevant studies and then we found out he had a tumor. At two biopsies they were told it was an aggressive cancer. He played act soon. We traveled back to Argentina, where my family was born and lives and within two weeks I already had scheduled surgery. Three days before the procedure were already two tumors. The cancer was spreading rapidly. They managed to remove them, but a week after doctors gave me the bad news that had to practicarme a mastectomy and suck me all nodes. They were two operations and now I'm on chemotherapy: I'm missing 14 out of 16. I wanted to see me without breast surgery right away. I already fell hair and although I'm afraid to die, I did not let that fear me win the battle one day. I have faith, strength and love. I decided to embrace the disease because who am I to fight it? I accept the possibility of heal and grow in this process. There are still people who dreads the word cancer, but in my case it has filled me with energy to share my experience. I hope others will learn the importance of preventing, to learn and to become self-examination and routine checks. Above all, understand that heals, detected early and treated conventionally. "

"No one is exempt from ill" - Catalina Castano, tennis player, 35 years old

"At first it was difficult to understand why I got cancer if I've always been an athlete. The symptoms appeared in February while attending a tennis tournament in Brazil. I began to feel a tingling in her left breast and just returned from trip I had it made tests. When I was diagnosed, I cried a lot, but I said, 'Toca continue'. The early days lived locked. I had to assimilate the disease before giving interviews because I was tired from the chemo even talking and I just decided to leave when I was physically and mentally ready. Now my priorities have changed. I'm in the final stage of treatment and want to get the time to get up and exercise without inhibirme. Clearly I must fight and perhaps return to the court only to say goodbye. Despite the difficulties, it's been very nice things these months. I learned, above all, we are not exempt from sick for healthier we are and when that happens you have to face it. "

"I've been a warrior" - Jacquin Strouss Samper, former first lady, 61 years old

"Having an optimistic attitude is final in all treatment. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in February last year at a low stage, as a result of a routine examination. With the support of my husband and children, I began the process of medical consultations to heal. I never lost faith even though the initial diagnosis was complicated after the first surgery. I have been a warrior and fight in these situations and stay calm. I did two operations and four months of chemotherapy received. In July I completed a year over. I feel recovered and continued, thank God, watching over me. With this experience, I learned to value life, to protect and enjoy it in all its moments. Also I reinforced the love of my family and I realized the true love of friends. Now I take the most simple and beautiful things, from beautiful scenery to a good conversation. "

"Today I am completely healed" - Eva Palomino Ardila, President of the Association of Social Work of the National Police, 53 years old

"When I found out she had breast cancer, my husband, General Rodolfo Palomino, she was in the Catatumbo. I remember that I called him and said: 'Chinese, I have a tiny cancer'. He was speechless. I asked him not labored, when we had to be together, so be it. First I had surgery on her left breast and then began the ordeal. The recovery from surgery and the first chemo were the hardest because you feel that you will not be able to pass across. Then followed a less aggressive and 25 radiotherapy sessions. Just then the president appointed police chief Rodolfo, which meant that I would become the president of Social Work. That raised me. He worked as I put the chemo in the hospital. I was filled with strength and I can already say I'm cured. A month ago I did a mastectomy of the other breast that had nodules and resolved to prevent an operation. Now I'm happy with my look and listen better, because when you go through this disease, to talk to someone who lives the same, you learn to feel not from the heart but from the bowels ".

"I'm glad I had this experience" - Miss Marion Jaimes Boyaca 2009, 24 years

"It is an irony in the reign I won the title for best hair and three years later he lost. I was diagnosed with cancer after a tumor extract me in the right ovary in late 2012. My dream is to be a mom, and although the odds are now lower, the doctor did not remove my left. 'He is very young,' I heard him say during surgery. That forced me to undergo chemo 28 to eradicate all malignant cells. At first he hung networking messages about the importance of prevention and early detection of disease, but only day I snuff, I decided to stop hiding. Take my hair was not so hard because in my modeling career I have always had to adapt to the physical, and as I knew it was going to fall, decided adelantármele cancer. Of course, I bothered my boyfriend and asked him how he could say I was pretty if it seemed an alien. The recovery always depends on your attitude and doctors say it saved me. I finished the treatment five months ago and now I'm finishing my career Cadastral Engineering and Geodesy, I have several pending projects and I want to start my foundation to help others. I feel at my best so I am grateful to cancer. I'm glad I had this experience and move here to tell it. "

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