Breast cancer survivor

Breast cancer survivor

Breast cancer survivor
Six women who overcame the dreaded disease tell us their experience. Breast cancer, the most common among women, is cured in many cases. The survival rate of around 80%, should rethink the idea do we have of these tumors as an inevitably fatal disease. In fact, many affected now face this cancer with a positive attitude and even during treatment, try to continue with their daily lives. A normal lesson they think society should take. Six women who have experienced cancer are cured today tell us about their experience.

1. A journalist, Marga Becedas, with a daughter (Amaya, nine years), cancer caught her "off guard." She went to pick up the results of a review - "politicians, not cut in mammography that give life" clama- and found a tumor. It was in late 2007 and was 40 years old. "I was not aware of the diagnosis until I saw Pedro (her husband) and Amaya in the park where I hoped-explanatory. The cancer stops being terrible when you suffer to become part of your life. It's funny how you do everyday . It is the biggest threat, but more. "

She calls it "a big fucking". "Chemotherapy is unbearable. That's when you discover what it is to be sick. And coming from someone who supports and pain due to a chronic medical condition (suffering lupus) I think I was better able to take it. After a chemo session, for three or four days got me on the bed and would not, could not, know anybody. you're tired, you feel die, you have no strength, and that I had great support in Pedro Amaya -that amazing how children adapt to the situation and my oncologist. "

Marga has long since regained her life, his work. "But things have not been the same since I have changed. People sometimes ask me if the cancer has made me better. I think it makes you better any difficulty. It is very healthy to see life from other viewpoints, and that causes the disease, get in a place you had not imagined. It changes, because suddenly you have to prioritize. Personally, I am now more radical, forget what does not interest me and that attacks me. you reject things and you strengthen that matter to you ".

She said that "long ago stopped seeing the scars I have, because they have become part of me." "I brought them the way and move on with them. What hurts me is the genetic inheritance that I will leave to my daughter."

2. Maria Rosario Cullera. Barcelona city official pensioner, 72, she said cancer has changed her life and that he feels "lucky" because "everything went well". She and her husband, Ramon, divide their time between "things" and their children and grandchildren. She was diagnosed with a breast tumor type hormone in 2010. "They said I had more than two centimeters and that was quite aggressive I dropped the world over, but my approach was. 'I have every reason to pull ahead, see grow my grandchildren a feliz' marriage. The truth is that at no time thought that died, "she said. "Before, when talking about cancer, it was assumed that that was dying, today there are many resources," she said. "Although, when I arrived at the Vall d'Hebron hospital to treat and saw engraved on the wall and cara''adelante slogan, got excited, and yes they feared a loss of capabilities."

You had a mastectomy, ie, they removed the entire breast; It treated with chemotherapy and radiation therapy after discharge, taking hormone therapy. "The chemo's tolerated it very well, only I suffered some discomfort such as nausea He agreed that my husband was hospitalized and went every day to visit;. I always tried to lead a normal life."

Her good memory is "the link you establish with other patients, I think that it is a form of therapy." "Also, she adds, you establish an intense relationship with the medical team, I advise to have total confidence in her and that is to get ahead."

Does not raise breast reconstruction, she said she feels comfortable as well. "It depends on each one, just as when the hair falls out due to the chemo, is a symbol that others see you as a patient, rather than feeling bad you. I became a wig and used some" . "Today concludes-only fear I have a relapse when I go to a control".

3. Elena Garcia, 44, with two small children, this house reminds Madrid housewife cancer as "torture". She found it: "The nipple was deformed, months before I had had a mammogram in which you could not see anything, but I got stubborn and thanks to that we caught it early." Then she began "a difficult ordeal of explaining can only say that I would not wish this on my worst enemy. It is a physical and psychological torture. When will a vaccine to mitigate much pain?".

"I wanted to eradicate it completely, I had to fight with all my strength for my little" she said. She admits that there were times when she was about to surrender. "I was so bad after all the chemo I did not care. I even thought that everything was over because she could not anymore. I was very angry. I can not explain why, but nothing mitigated," she recalls.

But, as she said, man holds up ends not known. She spent treatment, and has now returned to normal life, your children, go to the park and do not want to think about cancer. It recognizes that it was hard to resume a routine outside doctors - "the first day without them did not know what to do!" -.

Elena said, cancer has changed her: "I care few things, I think I've become an easygoing, and give value to others before or fixed me, like a sunrise I'm happy every morning when I wake up without me hurt anything. , to make breakfast, take my kids to school. I had never thought about death, now I wake up thanking a new day. But was it necessary to go through that to understand life? ".

4. Ana Foche, 63, singer of song and flamenco, was diagnosed with a tumor in 2005. She suffered a slight accident and to check a chest bruise was noticed a lump. "When the doctor told me I had'tres malignant cells that had to quitar', I collapsed, but only for a minute, I said to my husband: 'here' life does not end."

They removed the tumor, which was on the areola and nipple was damaged; recently underwent a reconstruction. "The first session of chemotherapy was December 31 and I went with the shopping cart, when I got home I threw up and started to prepare dinner New Year for 16 people. I do not vomited more throughout the treatment" remember.

She said to her husband "took it worse than me, but I also had my bad times". "It's a matter of -opina- character, my sister went through a cancer, ovarian cancer and she died last year, and from the beginning, I thought would not make it. I am to take the bull by the horns".

Ana usually go to the hospital "to give encouragement to the people" as a volunteer for the Spanish Association Against Cancer. "Women with a breast tumor I tell you what helped me: this is a little more angry than other disease, but today can be cured in many cases."

5. Elena Lanza, A translator and businesswoman 48 years, is dumped in her translation company in Barcelona (BCN Tradel), which works with some important companies, especially in Italy, where ten years she lived. One day in 2004, noticed a lump in the breast and was diagnosed with a tumor. It was necessary to remove the entire breast, but suffered lymphedema (an affectation of the lymph nodes under the arm that causes swelling of the arm) Mild and who keeps watching your diet, take care ejercicioAsegura that he learned the tumor "I who boasted of being healthy, being athletic, self-sufficient and resistant learned to ask for help, to relativize certain things, to enjoy the moment more, a lesson in life."

"The diagnosis was a slap, the least you expect is to happen to you. But just outside the doctor's office decided not falling apart. It helped focus the energies in my company to prepare all of absence," she explained. Although during treatment she continued to work as she could, "but another thing I learned is to delegate, and my team was strengthened".

"I had an operation in the hospital she continues Clinic and was a blessing, before chemotherapy, rehabilitation start (largely to prevent lymphedema) on the unit Montse Gironés and meet women GAMIS association. I expected a panorama depressing and I met a group of people eager, with whom you could share your doubts and trying to fight the disease. It is important to have support. Chemo is a hard phase, in which you are worse, and that I, as I had surgery the tumor, I was convinced that I was going to heal. "

Elena claims "remain the same". She began an affair "in my worst moment, hairless, I always say that it should be included in therapy," she laugh. "I do not know if the positive influences in healing, but at least it helps to pass the bad times," she add. Nothing cured, she was involved in the business project of a friend. "Cancer is a break over your life, opens and closes, she notes. Then it is not you forget that you had, is a very difficult experience, but think you've overcome. I remember when I have some downturn. Otherwise, I go to my annual review and not worry me more than any other woman. "

6. Isabel Quertan, 50 years, it has undergone two breast tumors - "clarify two, because one has to do with the other" - in the past 15 years and has exceeded both. "This summer he explains, I was discharged after the second and admit that I took it worse than the first. And that progress is amazing. The chemo, which is what you really crushed, has improved, but was mentally less ready to face whatever the treatment entails. " Isabel thinks it has to do with their children: "In the first tumor had young children now do not depend on me."

Lives in Oropesa del Mar (Castellón), where, after spending the summer working in the hospitality industry, is currently unemployed and facing the future with uncertainty, but not the cancer: "I am cured and I have to follow my life. Yes that spending by circumstances how are you, and in my case twice, makes you see life differently But make no mistake, what worries me now is to find a job because I have to live. "

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