Vanilla planifolia

Vanilla planifolia

Vanilla planifolia
Vanilla is probably the most famous spice sweet kitchen. The vast majority of sweet foods contain more or less traces of vanilla. But although the black vanilla pods are well known by now, hardly anyone knows that the vanilla plant is an orchid. The vanilla orchids grown up in tropical countries up to trees. From the magnificent yellow flowers for a long pods, which are processed into the famous vanilla pods develop. Another unknown fact is that vanilla is also a medicinal plant. However, it is rarely used as such.

Main applications: power increase,
Medicinal properties: aphrodisiac,
promoting menstruation (easy)
muscle strengthening,
promoting metabolism,
Applications: Gallen weakness,
Taste corrigent,
Muscle weakness,
Reduced sexual potency,
Mood swings,
Scientific Name: Vanilla planifolia, Vanilla fragrans, Vanilla aromatica
Family: Orchid Family - Orchidaceae
English name:
other names: Real vanilla, spice vanilla
Plant Parts Used: Fermented fruit capsules
Ingredients: Essential oils, vanillin, vanillic, vanillyl, piperonal, resins, mucus, tannin, fat, enzymes
Collection time:

The vanilla is not normally used as a medicinal plant but as a spice.

By applying as a spice you can make the vanilla-healing effects in a gentle way advantage. In other words, you simply seasons suitable food with vanilla and benefits from the recovery by relaxing the vanilla.

In tea blends you can use small pieces of vanilla beans to improve the taste.
Vanilla can be used specifically as a remedy but also, for example, in the form of a tincture.

To establish a vanilla tincture, douses it chopped vanilla pods in a screw-top glass with double or grain alcohol until all parts of the plant are covered, and can pull the mixture closed for 1 to 2 weeks.

Then strain and pour into a dark bottle.
From this tincture is taken one to three times daily 10-50 drops a.
If a tincture is too concentrated, it can be diluted with water.

Vanilla sugar
Using a vanilla pod can be prepared vanilla sugar itself. You can even use this vanilla pods, which Mark has been scraped to flavor other foods; So it is a practical leftovers. This sets the vanilla sugar itself forth:

Use a new or an already scraped vanilla pod.
Cut the vanilla pod into small pieces.
Put the vanilla pieces in a box, which is filled with sugar.
Cover the vanilla with the sugar.
Close the vessel.
Let pull the vanilla sugar one to two weeks.
Then you can just use the vanilla sugar as commercial vanilla sugar.

The vanilla has gentle but quite noticeable effects on the body and psyche. It acts in a relaxed way stimulating and invigorating. That is, you can use them both if you powerless and limp feels, and when you feel stressed.

Furthermore, the vanilla works digestion and strengthens the production of bile. Therefore, it helps in the digestion of heavy and fatty desserts. Vanilla is said to also have a slight aphrodisiac effect. That gives her a place in food and drinks for the candlelit dinner.

Side Effects
In close contact with vanilla pods can cause skin rashes, insomnia and headaches. However, this is usually done only in people who are professionally involved with the production of vanilla pods. People who are prone to allergies, can also enjoy food with vanilla flavor allergic reactions such as rashes and swelling of the skin, for example, get in the face.

Application areas
Vanilla is mainly used internally in connection with so spicy food. It promotes digestion and helps in the production of bile. One can also use vanilla to promote menstruation, and this effect is more gentle.

Magic application
In magic, the vanilla is often sewn into love bags. The scent should act erotic. Love the bag you can carry with you or you put it next to or under the pillow.

Love potions can be seasoned with homemade vanilla sugar (see above) in order to enhance the aphrodisiac effect. If you wear vanilla beans with him, to stimulate the energy and the mental powers.

In ancient times, vanilla was unknown because it is not found in Europe and Asia Minor, but is native only in the New World. After the discovery of vanilla in Mexico she was soon grown relative to the French island of Bourbon (Reunion). Therefore, even today often spoke of bourbon vanilla.

The relatively inexpensive artificial vanillin, which is nowadays added almost all sweet foods, is mostly made of guaiacol and eugenol, which are in turn extracted from various other plants, but not in the vanilla.

Vanilla planifolia
Plant Description
Vanilla is native to Mexico. Meanwhile, it is grown in Ecuador, Brazil, Bolivia, Sri Lanka, Madagascar and Java. The preferred vanilla grows in forests and entwines with its adventitious roots up to trees. The climbers grow up to 15 meters high. My stalk is roller-shaped and bald. The glossy, fleshy leaves are lanceolate and good hand long. They grow alternate from the thick stems. Where the leaves from the stems grow, spring also aerial roots in some places.

The yellowish to orange flowers appear between June and August. You have five long petals and in the center a funnel. The flowers grow in lush grapes (10-15 impulses), where the flowers bloom gradually. Each flower blooms only one morning long. The pollination of flowers is carried out in the home of vanilla by bees and hummingbirds. In other cultivation areas the vanilla flower by hand are fertilized.

From the vanilla flowers develop within a few weeks the elongated fruit capsules. These capsules are up to 30 cm long. They are still immature harvested and then fermented to allow the vanilla flavor can develop properly. Only then the vanilla pods discolored dark brown to black.

Growing tips
In order to grow the vanilla itself, you need a greenhouse with tropical climate or you try in your own Wohnunng. The place in the home should be so bright we can, but without direct sunlight.

It is also important that the humidity at the site of the vanilla plant is always high because the vanilla is a plant of the tropical jungle. If in doubt, you can spray the plant and its surroundings regularly with water. This means that the vanilla plant can interweaves, you need a rod or a rack for vines. When planting soil is best to use soil for orchids.

As long as it's warm summer, the vanilla plant needs quite a lot of water, when the cold weather rather less. She does not tolerate waterlogging.

Collecting tips
If you're very lucky and a lot of patience, the home-grown vanilla begins after a few years to bloom in the summer. Thus the flower is fertilized, you have to pollinate them by hand. For this example, is a small wooden stick. If you then have a lot of luck, develops from the fertilized bloom long pod, which is actually a fruit capsule. The pod is harvested green and then blanched (doused with boiling water). Then it is dried slowly. During this drying phase, the typical vanilla flavor develops. This collection tips are rather theoretical nature, because usually there is rarely successful, bringing the vanilla plant indoors to bloom or even for fruiting.

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