Some Foods Make You Smart

Some Foods Make You Smart

Some Foods Make You Smart
The brain is one of the vital organs are the most very important for human life. As the central nervous system, brain function set most of the other organs in your body. The brain is also closely related to the thinking and cognitive abilities. Therefore, the health of the brain must be kept to be able to work optimally.

In addition to avoiding the stress and get enough rest, the brain requires adequate nutrition from the food you consume daily. These nutrients also help boost brain power and avoid the attack of various diseases. Here is a list of 14 foods that can boost brain power:

1. Whole grains ( Pure Wheat )
Just like the body, the brain needs enough energy in order to work optimally. This energy is supplied by the blood to the brain in the form of glucose derived from carbohydrates. In order for energy intake remained awake throughout the day, choose complex carbohydrates are more slowly digested by the body. Among such as whole wheat bread, oatmeal, and brown rice. Whole wheat also has a low glycemic index so that your glucose levels are better controlled.

The importance of energy to increase brain power is evidenced by several studies. One is the study of Cueto and Chinen, who showed that school children who skip breakfast are not able to achieve a higher value in working memory and problem-solving tests.

2. Fish rich in omega-3
The omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA and DHA are known so important for brain development in the fetus. One study even shows if pregnant women who consume omega-3 in the third trimester of pregnancy likely to give birth to babies with higher cognitive intelligence. The researchers suggest that DHA is needed at this stage to establish neuoron in the brain.

DHA is also believed to be able to maintain the health and strength of the brain in adults. Research from Tufts University revealed that those who ate fish three times a week and have a higher DHA levels in blood decreased risk of developing Alzheimer's by 39%.

Unfortunately, these essential fatty acids can not be produced by the body and must be obtained from food. Sources of omega-3 is good example of marine fish contain unsaturated fats such as tuna, mackerel, sardines, salmon, herring, and anchovies.

Research from Reading University, UK, revealed the antioxidants in blueberries help stimulate blood and oxygen to the brain so that it remains fresh and awake concentration. Volunteers who do not eat blueberry juice before taking the test attentional performance even decreased by 15 to 20% after five hours than those who drink it.

Meanwhile, research from Tufts University showed that consumption of blueberries can improve memory and prevent the loss of short term memory. Another study revealed that blueberries help improve spatial memory in mice, while antioxidants reduce inflammation that may cause long-term memory.

4. Tomatoes
Carotenoids the red pigment in tomatoes, allegedly can improve cognitive function and long-term memory. The most prominent carotenoid lycopene which is commonly found on the skin of tomatoes. One of these substances, including antioxidants may protect cells from free radical damage that causes dementia and Alzheimer's.

Research from Finland was published in the journal "Neurology" also reveal if lycopene helps protect the brain from stroke. Men with higher lycopene levels in the blood have the possibility of a stroke 55% lower than those likopennya lower levels.

5. Vitamin B
Vitamins B6, B12, and folic acid (B9) is known to reduce levels of homocysteine in the blood. High levels of homocysteine associated with increased risk of stroke, cognitive decline, and Alzheimer's. Research conducted on a group of elderly patients showed an improvement in memory after taking vitamins B6, B12, folic acid and high doses for 2 years. Brain cell damage suffered by them are also lower compared with those who received placebo treatment or medication apparent.

Sources of foods rich in vitamin B6 for example whole grains, bananas, nuts, or meat. Folic acid can be obtained from the spinach, avocado, asparagus, and cauliflower. While vitamin B12 can be obtained from animal products such as milk, meat, fish and eggs.

6. Blackcurrant
Research in New Zealand showed that blackcurrants help improve concentration and reduce mental fatigue. A total of 35 volunteers were asked to complete the test for 70 minutes which was deliberately designed to make the brain tired. As a result, those who drank blackcurrant extract can work on the problems more accurately without slowing, feel more able to concentrate, and not too tired when compared to those who are just getting a placebo treatment.

Other studies have shown black currants help counteract damage to brain cells that cause Alzheimer's. Not yet known for sure which factors cause this, but researchers believe the content of anthocyanins contained in blackcurrant help fight oxidative stress damage the brain cells.

7. Spinach
Research by disclosing iron deficiency at low levels can affect the ability to learn, remember, and pay attention. Sufficient iron levels can restore the ability of the brain. This iron can be obtained from dark leafy vegetables such as spinach, beans, and soy. Spinach also contains folic acid is beneficial for brain health.

8. Broccoli
Broccoli is very rich in vitamin K, which can improve cognitive function of the brain. Vitamin K is an effect on a person's ability to absorb and remember verbal instructions. Broccoli also contains antioxidants that can protect brain cells from damage.

Broccoli also contains choline which is important in the formation of new cells in the brain. One of the studies reveal if choline consumption during pregnancy can help children improve cognitive function, improving the ability of learning and memory, and also prevent memory decline caused age.

9. Nuts
One study published in the "American Journal of Epidemiology" indicates that sufficient vitamin E may help prevent cognitive decline, especially in the elderly. Nuts are a good source of vitamin E in addition to green leafy vegetables, asparagus, olive oil, grains, eggs, brown rice, and whole grains.

10. Chocolate
Research shows the polyphenol content of flavonoids in chocolate could potentially protect the brain from damage caused by neurotoxins, suppress inflammation, improve memory, learning ability, and cognitive function. Those who eat chocolate every day for 8 weeks to have the ability to recall, verbal fluency, and cognitive test scores were higher than those who do not. Several other studies indicate if the consumption of polyphenol-rich foods regularly can reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's.

11. Green Tea
Not only beneficial for human health, green tea is also able to maintain health and improve brain power. Studies of the University of Basel, published in the journal "Psychopharmacology" reveal if the consumption of green tea may improve cognitive function, especially the ability to remember.

The study showed those who consumed green tea before performing cognitive tests can work on the problems better than those who received placebo treatment. Researchers say if green tea can improve the short-term synaptic connections between brain so that they can learn faster.

12. Beet
Research from Wake Forest University showed that the beets and other root vegetables such as carrots can improve brain power. Beets contain nitrite is converted to nitrate by the body that helps improve blood supply and oxygen to the brain. Studies show elderly volunteers (70 years or more) increased performance after being given a bit of juice on a regular basis.

13. Turmeric
Turmeric contains antioxidants curcumin has anti-inflammatory functions. Research shows that curcumin helps prevent the accumulation of beta amyloid that disrupt brain function in people with Alzhaimer. Curcumin is also believed to improve memory and stimulate the formation of new cells in the brain.

14. Fresh Water
Every part of our body need water to work, not to mention the brain. Approximately ¾ of the brain even consists of water. Research at Ohio University revealed if they are able to keep their bodies hydrated scored better on cognitive tests than those who do not drink enough water. In addition to water, you can also meet the needs of the body fluids from fruits such as watermelon or cucumber.

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