Watermelon Skin Benefits

Watermelon Skin Benefits

watermelon skin benefit
Watermelon. This fruit comes from Africa and can survive in a barren field being able to store food reserves. Watermelon is perfect eaten when the weather is hot because it is stored a lot of water on a this very fresh fruit. This fruit has a Latin name Citrullus Lanatus is still a family with a cucumber. Nutritional content of watermelon enough and each has its own role in the body. Some of them are Vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, C, calcium, carbohydrates, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and many more.

Benefits of Watermelon Fruit And Its Skin

After knowing the many number of stored nutrients in watermelon is impossible when the fruit with green skin with a pattern in the form of elongated black line is not saving benefits for health. Adapted from some trustworthy health information following are some benefits of watermelon for health and beauty skin from the outside.

1. Diabetes Healing
Diabetes is a metabolic disease caused by excess blood sugar (glucose), resulting in damage to the insulin. If the disease is not immediately given medical treatment would endanger the health of the sufferer.

Here watermelon can be used as a traditional medicine diabetes, how to consume watermelon rind and combined with young guava. After it boiled in 3 cups of water until the remaining 1 cup of water, then drink.

2. Lowering Blood Pressure
People with high blood pressure or hypertension will be susceptible to heart attack or stroke. Before it's too late, immediately lowering blood pressure intensively with alternative treatment using watermelon.

The methode is to drink fresh watermelon fruit juice 2 times a day, or if you're busy, you can directly watermelon consumption.

3. Thrush Medicine
Sprue. Although said to be a curable disease, sprue makes people with this desesase so uncomfortable to talk or eat. One of the great traditional thrush medicine is watermelon. You do this by attaching a piece of green watermelon. Do not remove the green, you can paste and rub on the sprue.

4. Concentration Brain
This sweet watermelon is also able to stimulate the brain to concentrate better. You just need to eat watermelon a day at least 1 to 4 pieces. Think of it this watermelon fruit as a healthy snack in your spare time.

5. Hair Loss
Hair is susceptible to problems. One of the problems of hair damage that becomes terrible scourge in the eyes of female hair loss is excessive.

Watermelon can help you to fix it, more precisely using the watermelon rind is rubbed on the scalp evenly or thoroughly so hair loss can be minimized. For this treatment you should do it in the afternoon.

6. Itching
Other benefits watermelon fruit is to reduce the itching of the skin due to toxic plants. You do this by rubbing the green part of watermelon on the itch skin. If the itching does not go away, then you should consult dermatologist. Maybe you are attacked by bacteria unusual or allergic.

Okay, that's all some watermelon for health benefits. Hmmh, apparently in addition to sweet and refreshing watermelon is healthy as well. Thankyou.

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