Danger foods, causing cancer

Danger foods, causing cancer

Behavior is one of the leading causes of cancer, outside of heredity, environment, and health care utilization. Factors behavior was particularly concerning the daily diet. Dr.Elvina Naidoo, M.Sc, a nutritionist, invites us to understand that a good diet can prevent certain cancers. 

Their report indicated that 80-90% of the various forms of cancer is closely related to the food we consume daily. For example, breast and prostate cancer is suspected because of eating too much fat, alcohol is also cited as a major cause of breast cancer airings. 

A number of epidemiological studies prove, the emergence of cancer of the digestive tract are closely related to various exposures of certain types of food. While cancer of the throat (esophagus) is associated with high alcohol consumption and smoking habits could also be due. Stomach cancer is also associated with high consumption of food preservatives that high salinity. While cancer of the colon (large intestine) and rectum caused by the high consumption of fat and alcohol (especially beer). Liver cancer allegedly caused by contamination of food by aflatoxin and high alcohol consumption. 

Some experts argue, hepatitis B virus infection is also a cause of liver cancer. Meanwhile, lung cancer and bladder primarily caused by exposure to tobacco (cigarettes) as well as some chemicals from a variety of industrial contamination. 

Carcinogens In Food 

Certain substances contained in food (dietary factors) can lead to malignancies that do not directly give rise to tumors. These substances are classified as carcinogens. In addition there is also procarcinogens to carcinogens that are changing the chemical substance that is the originator of cancer. Carcinogens in food can be found for example in the processing of causing carcinogens plosiklik hydrocarbons due to evaporation process foods, nitrosamines chemicals, physical substances because of nuclear radiation, or ZT biological in nature such as rcun in tobacco. 

Toxic substances will damage the integrity of the structure and essence into malignant cells that are mutagenic (normal cells after tainted with toxins or pollution into malignant cells that proliferate without control). Additionally carcinogens can arise due to improper food processing. For example, the cooking process is too long and too high temperature (causing substances trns-fatty acids), as well as how to fry excessive preservation by salting. 

Food contaminated by the fungus Aspergillus flatus which produces aflatoxins in peanuts as rotten and expired cheese also be carcinogenic. The use of oil (cooking) that has been repeatedly contains free radicals such as peroxides, epioksida, and others are also carcinogenic and mutagenic transform normal cells into malignant. In experiments on animals, the consumption of foods rich in this group peroxide can cause colon cancer. 

Artificial sweeteners such as cyclamate and saccharin, which is widely used in snack food according to epidemiological studies can also cause bladder tumors. Food preservatives such as formaldehyde as a preservative meatballs or tofu, the use of textile dyes (not for food) such as yellow methanyl on crackers, tofu, and others, as well as rhodamine, red in the syrup according to research can also induce liver cancer. 

In addition to the harmful substances in certain foods, there are pul nutrients are well known as an anti-carcinogen, a substance that is protective (protecting a person who eat from cancer) This class includes mainly vegetables and fruits are much vitamin A, beta-carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E. Also the other nutrients that are currently well-known potential to prevent cancer such as selenium (Se), folic acid, niacin (vitamin B3), vitamin D, at zinc (zinc), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg). 

Fiber that is part of the vegetable food that can not be digested by the body, also plays an important role in the maintenance of a healthy body and can prevent colon cancer. The function of fiber is important because it can draw water from the surrounding blood vessels to soften the stool and promote efficient spending through the intestines. Food sources containing fiber are whole grains, skin and flesh of fruits and vegetables such as celery, cabbage, cauliflower, spinach, etc.

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