Sidaguri plants usefull

Sidaguri plants usefull

Sidaguri ( bahasa ) or in latin name called: Sida rhombifolia L.

Family: Malvaceae.

Chemical nature: 
Leaves - alkoloid, calcium oxalate, tannins, saponins, phenols, amino acids, oil fly. Phlegmatic substance for an expectorant and lubricant. Trunk - Calcium oxalate and tannins. Roots - alkoloid, steroids and efedrine. Sidaguri (Sida rhombifolia Sida retusa Linn or Linn.) 

Sidaguri growing wild on the roadside, grassing yard, woods, fields, and places with bright sunlight or a little sheltered. 

This plant is spread in tropical regions around the world from the lowlands to 1,450 m above sea level. This branched upright shrub can reach a height of 2 m with a small branch meeting haired. Single leaf, alternate layout, shape ovoid or oblong, serrated edge, pointed tip, pinnate pinnate, the lower short haired gray color, 1.5-4 cm long, 1-1.5 cm wide. Single bright yellow flowers that come out of the armpit leaves, blooms around 12 noon and about three hours later wilt. Fruit with kendaga 8-10, 6-7 mm in diameter. Sidaguri strong roots and skin, used for the manufacture of rope. Propagation is by seed or stem cuttings.

Parts used as medicine are the roots, leaves and flowers, but more often the root. Sidaguri used as a remedy for toothache, heartburn, itching, scabies, pinworm and bee stings.

Regional: Saliguri, Kahindu.

Foreign: Sida hemp, Yellow Barleria or walis-walisan

Pharmacological Effects: Plants - sweet, spicy and cool. Log meridian heart, liver, lung, colon and small. Anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory), laxative urine (diuretic) and relieve pain (analgesic). Root - fresh sweet, cool.

Method of cultivation: By seed or cuttings, easy maintenance. Shrubs, woody stems, round, greenish white color. Single leaf, alternate, heart shape, tip bertoreh, meeting hairy, green color. Single flower, oval, in the armpit leaves, yellow flowers crown. Stone fruit, young fruit green colored, old black fruit.

Diseases that can be cured and how to use them.
  1. Stomach heartburn: Roots and ginger chew and swallow the water.
  2. Rhematik: The entire plant including the roots as much as 60 grams of dried, boiled and drunk.
  3. high uric acid: Five stems roots, wash, cut small and boiled with 2 gls of water to a boil, pour the following kegelas roots and close all night, the next day taken before breakfast. boiled again for the afternoon.
  4. Pinworms: Leaves fifth handheld washed and finely ground, add 3/4 cup lukewarm water and a little salt, squeeze and drink 2x a day.
  5. Toothache: Roots chewed.
  6. Bee sting: Flowers are crushed and outboard.
  7. Asthma: Roots 60 grams plus 30 grams sugar, and water is taken pounded.

Herbs and dosages.
Worm pinworm
Leaves Sidaguri 9 strands, 3 Sidaguri Flower petals, water 110 ml.

How to manufacture:
Created infusion.

How to use:
Taken 2 times a day, each time drank 100 ml.

Duration of treatment:
Repeated for 4 days.

Herba Sidaguri 5 grams, 4 grams daun sendok leaves (Plantago mayor L), water 110 ml.

How to manufacture:
Created infusion.

How to use:
Drink 1 a day 100 ml.

Duration of treatment:
Repeated for 14 days.

Bees stung
Rub interest stung Sidaguri in place.

Dandruff and Ringworm.
Leaves Sidaguri (senbuk) 1 tablespoon, Coconut Oil 100 ml

How to manufacture:
Boiled briefly and then rinse the hair.

How to use:
Rubbed on the scalp.

NOTE: Pregnant women are prohibited to drink.

1 comment

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