Sambiloto heal diabetes and typhus

Sambiloto heal diabetes and typhus

Sambiloto or in Latin name called Andrographis paniculata.
Name of area: Oray Ki, Ki Peurat, Takilo (Sunda). lote, sadilata, sambilata,; takila (Java). pepaitan (Sumatra) .; Chuan xin lian, yi jian xi, lian he lan (Chinese), Xuyen tam lien,; cong cong (Vietnam). Kirata, mahatitka (India / Pakistan) .; Creat, green chiretta, halviva, kariyat (UK).

Description of the plant: 
Sambiloto grows wild in the open, like in the garden, by the river, rather lernbap vacant land, or in the yard. Growing up in the lowlands to an altitude of 700 m above sea level. Annual herb, height 50-90 cm, stems with many branches quadrangular (kwadrangularis) with enlarged nodes. Leaves single, short-stemmed, the location of the cross face, shape lanceolate, base tapering, pointed tip, flat edge, upper surface dark green, light green bottom, length of 2-8 cm, width 1-3 cm. 

Rasemosa inflorescence branching panicle shape, get out of. end of the stem or axillary panicles. Lipped tubular flowers; small-small, white color is stained purple. Fruit ellipsoid capsule, Panj ang about 1.5 cm, width 0.5 cm, the base and the tip of a sharp, when ripe will be broken into 4 pieces mernbujur-Seeds flattened, small, light brown color. Propagation is by seed or stem cuttings.

Terms Growing a. Climate · Elevation: 1 m - 700 m above sea level · Annual rainfall: 2,000 mm - 3,000 mm / year · In wet (above 100 mm / month): 5 months - 7 months · In dry (below 60 mm / month): 4 months - 7 months · air temperature: 250 C - 320 C · Humidity: medium · Radiation: is b. · Soil Texture: sandy · Drainage: good · Depth of ground water: 200 cm - 300 cm of the soil surface rooting · Depth: The top 25 cm of the soil surface · Acidity (pH): 5.5 to 6.5 · Fertility: medium - Planting a high 2. Guidelines. of Land Cultivation · Make the planting hole measuring 25 cm x 25 cm x 25 cm b. · Preparation of seedlings planted seeds in a plastic bag. c. · Planting Seedlings planted in the holes that have been provided with a spacing of 1.5 mx 1.5 m.
Synonyms: Andrographis paniculata =, Ness. = Justicia stricta, Lamk. = J.paniculata, Burm. = J.latebrosa, Russ.


Simplesia Name: Herba Andrographidis.
Used Parts: All parts of the plant

Chemical Ingredients: Andrografin; Andrografoloid; Panikulin.

Benefits: Anti-inflammatory; antipyretic; analgesics; diuretics; Stomakik;

The herbal recipe:

1 handful of fresh Sambiloto leaf; Sulfur a little, until finely ground mixture until smooth, Apply on skin ; and do every day until cured.

Fever bitten by poisonous insects or animals.
1 handheld Sambiloto leaf; Enough water, contused, Drink 1 1/4 cups a day; dregs applied to the site of the bite.

Leaves sambiloto 25 strands; 25 strands of kumis kucing leaves (rthosiphon aristatus); 110 ml water, boil Boiled, Drink 1 day 100 ml.

Inflammatory bowel disease aids.
Sambiloto leaf; Water Moderation, contused or brewed, Drink 1 1/4 cups a day; when the potions made ​​steeping then drink 1 a day 100 ml.

17 Sambiloto leaf blade; Enough water, contused, Drink 1 1/4 cups a day.

Swollen feet,
Sambiloto leaves; Enough water, contused to form a paste, apply on foot every morning and afternoon.

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