Legundi plant

Legundi plant

Tanaman Legundi has efficacy to heal some desease. This palnts has Latin Name: Vitex trifolia L.
Local name: `Gendagari; Lagundi; Lagondi

Habitat: Plants of wild life on the high plains to 1000 m asl.
Description of the plant: Plant a tree, 5-8 meters high. Woody stems, round, twig-haired, dirty white color. The leaves are compound, consisting of three leaflets, ovate, tip and base utmpul, flat edge, pinnate pinnate, green color. Compound interest, the tip of branches, panicle shape, crown shape of the tube, the color purple. Stone fruit, spherical shape, diameter 2-5 mm, brown color

Simplesia Name: Folium Vitecis.
Plant part used: Leaves

Chemical Ingredients: Essential oils; L-pinene; Kamfen; Terpenil acetate; Diterpena alcohol; Mavonoid; Aukubin; Agnusit; Kastisin orientin; Iso orientin; Luteolin 7-glucoside

Efficacy: Analgesic; diuretics; diaforetik; Antiperik; carminative; Insektisit; anthelmintic.

The herbal recipe:

Legundi leaves 5 ​​g; Rhizome kencur (Kaempferia galanga L.) 6 g; Turmeric 6 g; Water 115 ml, Made infusion, Drink 1 a day 100 ml
Enlarged uterus
Legundi leaves 1 handful; Rhizome of temu itam (Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb) 6 g; Water 110 ml, Made infusion, Drink 1 day 1 potion.

Pain spleen
Legundi leaves 1 handful fresh; A little vinegar, contused, Pinned on the left abdomen.

Fruit Legundi 7 g; Water 110 ml, Made infusion, Drink 1 a day 100 ml.

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