Fight Obesity with Temu giring

Fight Obesity with Temu giring

Obesity is scary things for many peoples, but with this plant called Temu Giring now we can fight back the fat in human body. this plant has Latin name: Curcuma heyneana Val.V.Zyp.

Habitat: Grows wild in the yard and fields in moist soil and a little light on the lowlands to 900 m above sea level.

Simplesia Name: Rhizoma Curcumae heyneanae.
Name of area: Temu giring.

Description of plants: shrubs annuals, composed of pseudo-stem leaf midrib, smooth green color. Single leaf, slippery surfaces, berpelepah green color. Compound inflorescence, yellow crown.

Plant part used: Rhizomes.

Chemical Ingredients: Essential oils; starch.

Efficacy: anthelmintic.

The herbal recipe:

Temu giring fresh rhizome 4 g; Enough water, Gathering sleigh shredded then brewed with boiling water to obtain 1/4 cups, daily Drink 1 1/4 cups.

Body odor.
Fresh rhizome of Temu giring half a finger; 100 ml boiling water, brewed, Drink 1 day 100 ml.

Fresh rhizome of Temu giring half a finger; 1 handful of fresh kemuning leaves (Murraya paniculata); Henna leaves 1 handful fresh (Lat: Lawsonia inermis L.); Enough water, contused, Drink 1 1/4 cups a day.

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