The benefit of Ficus septicum Burm

The benefit of Ficus septicum Burm

This plants called awar-awar in bahasa or Ficus septicum Burm. The peoples of my country believe it can heal rheumatisme, headache and herpes.
One more wild plant that it is now has a lot of properties and benefits it turns out there is around us. Plants awar-awar or in Latin called Ficus Burm.b septicum is a type of wild tanama that can damage other plants available in garden.

Plants awar-awar leaves themselves have characteristic twisted trunks bent staple, soft, rounded branches cylindrical, hollow, bare, clear gummy. Single fulcrum leaves, large, very pointy, single leaves, stalks, leaves alternate or opposite sat, stemmed 2,53 cm.

Efficacy and Benefits Awar-awar leaves for Health.

Now the name of this plant is the more well known because it has proven the efficacy and benefits, although the plant Accordingly awar-awar have other designations vary in each region such as: Betel popar (Ambon) Tagalolo, Bei, Loloyan (Minahasa); Ki ciyat (Sunda); Awar awar (Java); Bar-Abar (Madura); Awar awar (Pacific Islands); Tobotobo (Napier); Dausalo (Bugis); Bobulutu (North Halmahera); Tagalolo (Ternate). FOREIGN NAME: Papua New Guinea: OMIA (Kurereda, Northern Province), manibwohebwahe (Wagawaga, Milne Bay), bahuerueru (Vanapa, Central Province). Philippines: hauili (Filipino), kauili (Tagalog), sio (Bikol).

According to some scientists who have conducted research on the content of awar-awar found a number of compounds such as flavonoids, sterols. Not only was awar-awar leaves also shown to inhibit the growth of Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli in vitro, test results bioautografi reported that 4 g of leaf extract soluble awar awar methanol to inhibit bacterial growth. Antofin (5 g) as an antibacterial effect (B. subtillis, M flavus and E. coli).

From the above more clearly if it is true that this atu plants have health benefits such as: medicine skin diseases, appendicitis, ulcers overcome, snakebites and shortness of breath. The roots are used to counteract the poison fish and prevention of asthma.

How To Use: Juice of water from the collision and anise roots awar awar pulowaras can be used to treat poisoning fish, yam (Dioscorea hispida dennst) and crab. If pounded with a handful of grass roots and the water is squeezed is a drug that causes vomiting is very potent.

1 comment


    JAMES ELIOT, i want to give almighty praise to DR OLUBAOLUBA who help me cure Herpes simplex virus, please help me to give thanks to him he is a great man who God send from heaven to save people’s life, when i contacted this deadly virus i thought that was the end of the world, latter did i know that there is a man called DR OLUBAOLUBA OF AFRICA who has made a breakthrough in the cure of HSV-1 and HSV-2 cure with herbs whIch i confided in a friend here in SOUTH AFRICA he told me about this man called DR OLUBAOLUBA and how he cured the mum and dad of HSV-1 and HSV-2 after two years of living with this deadly diseases he told me of the cost and procedure i felt it worth a try after i have been spending so much in the drugs to make me live like every normal human being so i contacted DR OLUBAOLUBA and did as he commanded without missing wo rds he did all he needed to do and sent me the herbs here in south Africa through DHL i took it as he directed it was exactly 14 days as DR OLUBAOLUBA has spoken when he emailed me and told me to go for a check up again and i went, to my greatest surprise i tested negative i felt it was a dream so i went to three different hospital and it was still negative then i cried out in a loud voice and people gathered in the hospital and i told them my story in tears how this man called DR OLUBAOLUBA have saved my life and they started demanding for his mail to contact him it was only last week my friend Vanessa who was HSV positive came back from visiting DR OLUBAOLUBA as a healthy woman i told her about DR OLUBAOLUBA you can reach him through his emai address or +2348131258106 he never fails hold on my friend don't cry no more when our helper is here i believe in him am sure you will be lucky as i am too just email him on he is a savior of life.....


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