Lose weight with Kemuning

Lose weight with Kemuning

Kemuning ( bahasa ) or in english called Orange Jasmine, Latin Name: Murraya paniculata (L.) JACK
Habitat: It grows wild in the fields in humid areas with sufficient light in the plains of 950 m above sea level.
Description of the plant: Plant a tree, 3-7 m high. Woody stems, grooved, dirty brown color. Leaves compound, leaflets 4-7, smooth, funnel shape, tapered tip and base, flat edge, pertulangan pinnate, green color. Compound interest, the form of bunches, crown length 6-27 mm, 4-10 mm wide, white color. Buni fruit, approximately 1 cm in diameter, green young fruit after dark red.

Simplesia Name: Folium Murrayae.

Part of plant used: Leaf.

Chemical Ingredients: murayin glucoside; Essential oils; Kadinena.

Efficacy: Analgesic; diuretics; Stomakik.

The herbal recipe:

-Irregular menstruation:
3 g of kemuning leaves; Henna leaves nails 3 g; Temu lawak Rhizome (Curcuma xanthorrhiza) 4 g; Water 110 ml, Made infusion, Drink 1 a day 100 ml.

-Lose weight:
1 handful of kemuning leaves; Pace Leaves (Morinda citrifolia)1 handful; Bangle ( Zingiber montanum ) half the little finger; Enough water, contused, Repeated for 7 days; for maintenance taken 2 times a week; every time I drink 1/4 cups.

3 g of kemuning leaves; Henna leaves nails 3 g; Herba liman (Elephantopus scaber) 2 g; Rhizome temu kunci ( Boesenbergia rotunda (L.) Mansf. syn. Curcuma rotunda L., B. pandurata (Roxb.) 2 g; Water 110 ml, Made infusion, Drink 1 a day 100 ml.

kemuning leaves 3 g; Tembelekan/saliara root (Lantana camara) 6g; Water 110 ml, Made infusion, Drink 1 a day 100 ml.

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