

Gendis or in Latin Name: Clinacanthus nutans Lindau.
Pharmacological Effects: This herb has properties utilize the body's glands, Improve circulation Diuretic, anti-fever, anti-diarrheal.
Family: Acanthaceae.

Chemical properties: This herb is rich in chemical content, which is already known to a. l. saponins, polyphenols.
Plant part used: Fresh Leaves.

Cultivation: Propagation of plants by using a stem cuttings. Maintenance is easy, it needs enough water to those ways of watering elbow, keeping moisture and fertilization, especially basal fertilizer. It should be enough sun.

The herbal recipe:
Diseases that can be cured and how to use them.

15 grams of fresh leaves, boiled with 1 cup water for 15 minutes, let cool and then filtered. drink as well.

A handful of fresh leaves boiled with 5 cups of water so 3 cups, drinking glasses 3 x 1

Fresh leaves 7 sheets (mild pain / symptom onset) or 21 sheets (severe pain) in boiled with 2 cups of water until only one glass, chill, drink twice a day.

Note: Recipes for Diabetes is not recorded in the literature but are commonly used in Java. The effects of this plant is unknown abortivurn therefore pregnant women should not use this drug.

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