Gempur batu kidney stone destroyer.

Gempur batu kidney stone destroyer.

Perhaps many peoples will laugh when they know this plant's name in bahasa. we call it gempur batu or Stone Destroyer ( english translation ) but this plants with latin name Borreria hispida Schum is really kidney stone destroyer in indonesian traditional herbal recipe for hundred years.
Habitat: It grows wild in the woods, in the fields on the soil evenly moist lowlands to an altitude of 500 m above sea level.
Description of plants: wild plants in forests. Lance-shaped leaves and stems, leaves a bit rough. Small flower color is white.

Plant part used: All parts of the plant

Chemical Ingredients: Potassium

Efficacy: astringents

Simplesia Name: Herba hispidae Borreriae

The herbal recipe:

Water 110 ml, Herba fresh gempur batu 2 handfuls; Made infusion or drink 2 times a day each time drank 100 ml; drink taken 2 times a day; every time I drink 1/4 cup.

Kidney stones:
Fresh herbs meniran ( Phyllanthus urinaria )7 trees; Herba fresh gempur batu 2 handfuls; Water 110 ml, Made infusion, drink 2 times a day; morning and afternoon; each time drank 100 ml.

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