Garlic/White Onions antioxidant

Garlic/White Onions antioxidant

Bawang putih or garlic has Latin Name: Allium sativum Linn.
Habitat: Grown in the mountainous area gets enough sunlight.
Description of the plant: Plants that cloves, each clove wrapped with thin skin. Ribbon-shaped leaves and fibrous roots. The flowers are white.
Plant part used: Root layer

Chemical Ingredients: Sulfur; protein; fat; Dialilsulfida; alilprophil-disulfide; calcium; phosphorus; iron; Vitamin A; Vitamin B1; vitamin C

Efficacy: diaforetik; expectorant; spasmolytic; anthelmintic; antiseptic; anticoagulants; Antikistamin; bacteriostatic

Simplesia Name: Bulbus Alii

The traditional recipe:

1. Asthma; bronchitis; Rheum:
Garlic 5 g; Wood mesoyi ( Cryptocarya massoia )1 g; Herba patikan kebo ( Euphorbia hirta ) 2 g; Fennel 1 g; 3 g cardamom; 110 Water, Ground and then add water; squeezed then filtered; boiling, drink 2 times a day; each time 100 ml; repeated until healed; for maintenance quite 2 days 100 ml

2. Worming:
Garlic 2 g; Rhizome temugiring ( Curcuma heyneana )4 g; 2 tablespoons of boiled water, contused, Drink 1 a day 1 tablespoon; repeated for 4 days.

3. High blood pressure:
Parent garlic bulbs 2 pieces; 75 g of fresh celery leaves; Taste of boiled water, contused, Taken 2 times a day; 1/4 cup.

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