Efficacy Carambola Fruit for Health

Efficacy Carambola Fruit for Health

Averhoa L Carambola is a fruit that is little demand or rarely enthusiasts than any other fruit. Actually flavors of star fruit is sweet and contains high fiber, fruit is also the most easily found as mixed fruit salad in the making.

But who would have thought behind its distinctive shape that is almost like star fruit carambola fruit known as the countryside is proved to have many benefits for human health, the fruit is beneficial for the body of course, because the nutrients contained therein, such as vitamins, minerals and other elements.

In some studies say 1 carambola fruit can contain elements - elements of a good vitamin for the human body, elements - vitamins, among other elements, such as: Energy, Carbohydrates, Sugars, Dietary Fiber, Fat, Protein, pantothenic acid (B5), folate (vit. B9), vitamin C, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, Source USDA Nutrient Database.

Carambola Fruit Benefits To Human Health.

The benefits have sweet star fruit is good for the growth of human health. In addition, star fruit can be consumed as a natural medicine for you, you can directly consume this fruit into fruit or as juice, tea or pickles.

In the medical world, star fruit has properties such as:

Star fruit to cope with the disease coughs in children.
Can be Overcome thrush and bleeding gums.
This fruit can reduce the pain of cavities.
Acne and tinea versicolor.
Can Helps reduce high blood pressure.
Protect the body from diabetes.
Will help protect the body against paralysis.
The fiber content in fruit can help improve digestion.
Whether consumed when dieting because pectin contained in star fruit can help destroy cholesterol.
And the star fruit can Overcoming inflammation of the rectum.

In addition to the star fruit is rich in vitamins. Parts that can be used from this sweet star fruit crops such as leaves, flowers, roots, and of course Fruit Carambola:

Starfruit Benefits And Usefulness Flowers sweet:

Flowers star fruit can also be used as a medicinal herb to overcome some diseases such as cough, mouth sores (stomatitis), and malaria.

Benefits of Star Fruit Leaf And Efficacy sweet:

Can be used as a medicinal herb to overcome abdominal pain, mumps (parotitis), ulcer, paved the art, and as an ulcer drug.

Roots Starfruit Benefits And Usefulness sweet: 

Can be used as a medicinal herb to cope with rheumatic diseases.

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, star fruit it also has side effects to the body include: sweet star fruit contains acid oxalate which can give a negative reaction in the kidneys, so for those of you who have kidney problems, it is recommended to not consume the star fruit.
For those of you who have problems with sugar levels for diabetics or advisable to always carefully in consuming this fruit is known as star fruit has a sugar content is high enough. Hopefully usefull.

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