Cumin Leaves

Cumin Leaves

The Cumin Leaf has Latin Name: Coleus Lour amboinicus.
Habitat: It grows well in lowland to 1100 m above sea level, is cultivated as an ornamental plant.
Description of the plant: Plant shrub, creeper. Woody stems, soft edged. Segments are attached to the ground will grow roots, young stems pale green. Single leaf, easily broken, ovoid shape, thickness, hairy, 6-7 cm long, 5-6 cm wide, reinforced pinnate, light green color. Compound interest, shaped bunches, purple crown bowl shape.

Plant part used: All parts of the plant.

Chemical Ingredients: Essential oils; phenol; potassium.

Efficacy: Expectorants; antiseptic; carminative.

Simplesia Name: Herba amboinici Plectranthi.

The traditional recipe:

Leaf fresh cumin 7 strands; 100 ml of water, Created infusion or poured boiling water, drink 2 times a day; morning and afternoon; each time drank 100 ml; repeated for 14 days.

Thrush stomach:
Leaf fresh cumin 1 g; Fresh sage leaves ( Abrus precatorius ) 3 g; 3 g fresh herb gotu kola; 3 pieces of fresh betel leaf; Bark turi ( Sesbania grandiflora )4 g; Water 110 ml, Made infusion or crushed, Drink 1 a day 100 ml (infusion); for  drink 1 a day 1/4 cup; repeated for 7 days.

Fresh cumin leaves 2 strands; Legundi fresh leaves ( Vitex trifolia ) 2 strands; 1 red ginger rhizome; Rhizome bangle taste; Enough water, contused to form a paste, Applied to the temples and behind the ears.

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